Wilson’s Disease and School.

Did Wilson’s Disease affect me and the way I was at School? I had never really thought about how Wilson’s Disease has been part of my life from birth, I tend to think of my life with Wilson’s from when I got my diagnosis. The reality is, it was probably at an early age that …

Feeling Inspired – Real life transplant stories.

When I had my liver transplant back in 2019 I really had no idea what life was going to be like after. I had never spoken to or meet anyone that had had a transplant of any kind. Before my operation I was invited to my Hospital (Kings Collage London) to listen to some medical …

Being A Transplant Patients Sister.

Being a transplant patients sister – Written by my sister Georgina Fox Lets go back to December 2018, Danny was in our local hospital again and as per usual he “didn’t know why he was there” this was always Danny’s response. Being his sister I had a gut feeling something wasn’t right, I had been …

Catching Corona Virus, 18 months after Transplant.

So a quick recap for those that don’t know my story, I was given a Liver Transplant in the summer of 2019 due to having a rare liver condition called Wilson’s Disease and I thank my donor every day. Since my transplant I have been doing very well health wise but like many in 2020 …

One year post Liver Transplant – The highs and lows.

To recap for those that have been following my journey and to give a brief description of my story so far for people that are reading for the first time. I was born with a rare liver disease called Wilson’s Disease which basically leaves you with a copper build up in your blood and body …

Living During A World Pandemic After An Organ Transplant.

Soooo just as I thought my life was getting back on track a new challenge arises, the Corona Virus. I was 7 months post transplant and I had just booked a trip to Austria for a few days, cut to a week later and Italy’s hospitals are overrun with people and the country is about …

Being Released Back Into The Wild After A Liver Transplant.

The date is 11th July 2019 and I have been told I can head home after 10 days of being on the liver ward at Kings Collage Hospital after a liver transplant. The first thing I want to say is how my experience on that ward as with any NHS interaction was amazing. The staff …

My Days In Hospital After A Liver Transplant.

So quick re-cap, I have woken up from the operation and been transferred from ICU to the liver ward at Kings Collage Hospital. At this point a lot of the wires and tubes are taken off and all that was left was the catheter, a canular in my arm and a drainage bag on each …

The Year Of The Transplant. Part 2 – Operation Day.

So to recap I’m on my fourth call to Kings Collage hospital in London it’s the 1st July and I am about to go down to the operating theatre. At 8.15am I was stood outside the operating room talking with the doctors going over the final details. I don’t think I was nervous or worried …

The Year Of The Transplant – 2019. Part 1.

It seems like good planning on my part to be writing this post talking about my year on New Years Eve but it defiantly wasn’t. Well It wasn’t something I consciously thought about but life sometimes works things out for you. Re-cape I had been living with Wilsons Disease, a condition that can cause damage …

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